Where Donations Go

Does any of the money come out of your donations?
  •  Aid can help countries significantly, especially if extra financial aid is donated by the public. There are still ongoing issues with financial aid due to corruption within governments and charities taking profits from the donations. With figures like quoted from Oxfam, showing the little amount of financial aid that can be traced. The only way to increase aid donations is by enforcing laws to reduce the ease of corruption (Canepa 2018). By having areas increase checks on where donations will end up and being sent to, will allow for financial aid reach the intended areas. 
  • When donating in the UK, charities have the option to donate through gift aid. This is when for every £1 donated and extra 25p can be claimed back from the government at no expense of the public or the charities (UK Government 2022). Money that is donated can be increased by government schemes and by advertising charities like HART in the above link.  
How is the money gathered and transferred?
  • The financial aid that is supplied by the government is set aside and put into the country's budget each year. In 2021 the UK increased their aid to developing countries and regions that are in need by adding an extra £29 Million (Ford 2021) onto the current budget to help support the continuing conflict in Ethiopia. This increased to the UK's government financial donations to humanitarian aid to over £75 million in 2021 alone (Ford 2021).
  • Aid is advertised by the government and organisations such as HART (Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust). Organisations such as HART strive to encourage members of the public to donate either their money or material things that are required such as cloths or food to donate to regions in need of aid. This allows for extra supply's to be distributed and help to increase the livelihood of those in need.
"using 2013–2015 IATI data we can only confirm that 7 per cent of US aid ($28m) arrived in Ghana" – (Canepa 2018)
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