What is Aid?

  • Aid is the term used when materials or financial help is given to a country or region in need of the support from other areas of the world. This help is donated and so no return efforts are needed form the receiving country or region (Concern Worldwide 2022).
  • Humanitarian aid is the aid donated in either form of financial or materialistic. Used to relive the suffering of individuals or a community during or after emergency situations, including environmental hazards or conflicts within the region. These can put at risk the well-being, health, and safety of a community. The Humanitarian Aid can be in the form of medical supplies, medical personal, temporary structures and food and water (Oloruntoba & Grey 2006).
  • Aid donations can come from both the government and the public. With this being for financial and material aid. The more aid donated by members of a developed country; the more support can be sent to the areas in need. Increasing the likely hood of survival and increase the well-being and safety of those effected by the emergency.
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