How money is used 

  • What is the money used for?
  • Humanitarian aid can be used to supply anything from financial aid which can support communities in many ways. Mostly donated to the country/region and determined by the government or the aid donation charities where the support is needed the most. The donations are used by individuals sent into the regions that are in need of it and distributed by in-region associates which are trusted by the donating country or charity to use the aid in the correct way. As seen in the graph above, a mass increase in need of humanitarian aid was seen from 2012 to 2014 with the numbers only increasing as the years go on. This entail's that more medical equipment, food, clean water, temporary structures, medical assistants, and mental support will be needed to be supplied by outside organisations to areas that are in need (Development Initiatives 2022).
  • What countries does the most aid go to?
  • Almost all aid is donated to developing countries or regions within the developing countries. This is due to the lack of Sustainable development goals being reached in these countries. As the sustainable development goals state "No country should be left behind" (United Nations 2023). Most aid is donated to increase the livelihood of citizens. To do this many of the sustainable development goals should be reached e.g., clean water and sanitation such as goal 6 and many of the other goals. The best way for the countries to develop into self-sufficient countries is by increasing their populations livelihood and successfully achieve all the sustainable development goals. With many goals not on track to reach the target of completion by 2030. It is believed that a continues donation of aid will be needed to help developing countries even come close to the completion of all the Sustainable development goals (United Nations 2023). 
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